Monday, April 14, 2008

Community Life & Prayer | A Reminder

On Sunday night, we prayed in a way we have several times before - facing the directions of the places to which we feel called to serve, to love and to be Jesus's tangible body.

Share with one another those places on the TILT forum so we can continue in prayer together.

Also, use the prayer map! If your info is out of date, please email tilt.toronto AT with new info. If you'd like to be added, download the form from the link.


Saturday, April 12, 2008

Our Stories | Jeremy Unrau

Jeremy also shared his story on Easter Sunday, a story of Christ bringing life and hope out of death and despair.
Download the story here (right-click and select Save As...) or listen to it below:


Our Stories | Peter D'Angelo

On Easter Sunday, Peter shared his 'resurrection' story. It was a story from (not too) long ago, but one that continues to have power today.
Download the story here (right-click and select Save As...) or listen to it below:


Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Resources for the Month | April '08

Sorry that these are a week late!! Do I always say that? Yes, because I just cut and pasted this from last month...
Once-A-Day Approach for Apr - this is for those who desire reading, prayer and a song once during the day.
Divine Offices/Hours for Apr - the offices are done 8 times through the day, with a short reading and something/one to pray for.
The Divine Offices Calendar is an easy way to do the offices online.