Divine Offices/Hours - the offices are done 8 times through the day, with a short reading and something/one to pray for.
The Divine Offices Calendar is an easy way to do the offices online.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Divine Offices for August
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6:17 AM
Labels: divine offices, week
Our Stories | Scott Moore
This is my story as reflected through Psalm 73:
1 Truly you, Jesus, came to give us life,
life to the full.
2 But as for me, I was hanging by a thread,
My mind was against me, my being divided.
3 Inside, I saw emptiness;
Outside, I saw fullness.
4 People whose lives seemed…simpler,
uncomplicated by the questions of faith.
5 Unconcerned with truth, they don’t bother with absolutes or universals.
6 They are blown by the winds of self-desire,
and their itching ears listen to whatever they want to hear.
7 They simply live in the world as they see fit:
consume, progress, compare, improve, obsess.
8 Their eyes feast on the kingdoms laid before them,
oblivious to your kingdom.
9 They are content to live in the seen world, saying, “This is all that is, isn’t it?”
10 Some, in a twisted irony, proclaiming no allegiance to you,
embody your good news more than those who proclaim your name.
Many others simply let people be:
walk silently by the homeless person without a twinge of guilt,
flip channels at the sight of yet another starving African child,
laugh quietly at the mentally deranged woman meandering down the street,
ignore their neighbours, cocooning into their caverns.
“Leave well enough alone,” they say.
11 They are enjoying living their own story, and that is enough for them.
12 Look at these people—fulfilling their every desire, they live for themselves.
13 Have I followed you only to lose my life?
14 Have I taken this path only to find hardship and mental anguish?
15 My mind betrays you, yet I carry on. Seeking. Searching.
16 When I try to understand who you are, my mind fails me.
I cannot rationalize you, cannot capture you, cannot grasp you, cannot think you.
17 Then I catch but a glimpse.
In a moment of prayer, you are there. For you bend down to listen.
In the story of a friend, you are there. For your glory shines through.
In a conversation with a stranger, you are there. For you are the stranger.
In the unmasked joy of a child, you are there. For you put on no masks.
In a moment of profound gratitude, you are there. For everything is from you.
When reconciliation begins, you are there. For only you can bring us together.
When love arises where it was before unwelcomed, you are there. For you are love.
18 Surely, a life lived selfishly is no life at all.
It is all vanity. Meaningless. A puff of wind, gone before you even know it came.
19 In an instant, the ways of this world will fall into nothingness,
swept away by the blinding light of you.
20 You laugh at their silly ideas, puzzle over their refusal to acknowledge you and cry
over their broken hearts.
21 Then I saw that my heart was still not far from theirs,
for I desired life as I saw fit.
22 I was fiercely independent, seeking my own way -
You must have laughed at my silly ideas, puzzled over my refusal to acknowledge
you and cried over my divided heart.
23 Yet still I am yours,
for your grip on my hand shall always be tighter than mine on yours.
24 Your Holy Spirit guides me – in communion with you and with others,
leading me to the true full life which you have promised.
25 I’ve had enough of independence, of strength, of willpower,
there’s nothing left but you.
26 And in the glimpses I catch, I know that is enough.
27 Those who ignore you will be in continual pursuit of more,
one more thing that will bring true contentment.
28 But as for me, I abandon this futile quest.
How good it is to see God!
God will encompass my entire life, for he is king over all.
And as I catch more and more glimpses of him,
I cannot help but tell everyone of your marvelous deeds and your gracious
Posted by
6:15 AM
Labels: story
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Moose Deer '08 | Day FIVE Report
Day 5: Day five already. In some ways it seems like forever ago that we first drove down that bumpy road to Moose Deer Point. But, in many ways, it seems like we just got here. It was an exhausting week for sure, but we can honestly say that we were all sad to make that final drive off the Reserve, and didn’t want it to end.
We had an amazing day of sunshine and laughter, and some tears and hugs for sure. Many a t-shirt was signed, and many prizes given, not to mention the 9 gigs worth of digital pictures that were captured today.
Praise the Lord for a week where we were able to get to know, and love some children in a very tough life situation. We were in consensus that we learned as much from these kids, about our faith, about our lives and beliefs, as they may have learned from us. We praise God for these children, for their hearts and their souls.
Thank you for your prayers this week. We really felt that prayer was a powerful part of the amazing time we had, the great weather that seemed to work around our schedule, the smooth running of the programs, and the relationships that we were able to build.
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9:37 PM
Labels: community, moose deer
Thursday, July 24, 2008
MooseDeer Day 4 – The End is Nigh, sniff ☹
Day 4: It seemed easier to get up at the crack of dawn today, knowing that we would be back at the cottages by 1 instead of the usual 4 or 430. Today was baseball day, the one night of the week that we organize a big softball game on the Reserve. That was scheduled for 6pm so we had to make sure we had some time to get some fuel and a short nap before heading back. So no swimming today with the kids.
The day was kicked off with another rousing opening session with songs, challenges of “can you get”, group aerobics, installment 4 of the “Mo and the Rabbits of Cottontale Farm” skit, and another message from our man Rodway.
We played British Bulldog (don’t worry, non contact, and no one was injured) as an entire group, which was a big hit with most of the kids. We also played soccer baseball, created jumping frogs in crafts, and solved puzzles about the 10 plagues. Bump was again a popular game with the older kids, and “Bible Bill” even made an appearance and showed-off his prowess on the b-ball court.
It was a hot day so there was a lot of hydrating and snacking going on throughout the day. Praise the Lord for energy, as the heat was working against us; fueling the fatigue.
There was definitely a bit of a sadness creeping in today, as kids and councilors realized that there would be only one day left of camp after this day was done. It is amazing the relationships that have been built already in 4 short (but man did they feel long) days. We know it will be a difficult day tomorrow, the last time we will see each other for a very long time.
The baseball game was a roaring success, as most of the kids we see during the morning showed up, as well as many more parents and young adults we had not seen before. We played 9 innings of rock em’ sock ‘em softball, and the winning side didn’t celebrate too much, because everyone were really winners tonight. It was a great opportunity to not only spend more quality time with the kids, but also meet other people on the Reserve, and give us a chance to get to know them. (We have yet to download the baseball pics, but we’ll send those along tomorrow.)
Please pray …
- For continued energy and health for the councilors
- That we would continue to love these children as God loves them
- For the goodbyes, that we would have strength and wisdom, that the kids would know we really do care about them and are not leaving to be never heard from or seen again
- That the Lord will continue to protect us from evil
- For all the kids at the camp, for their families, and for their hearts and souls. That they would come to know Jesus, and that their lives would be changed forever
Praise God…
- For our baseball game in the community, for the turnout and the relationships built/strengthened
- For the energy and health that our team members enjoyed today, God answers prayer!
- The unity we have experienced as a team
- The beautiful sunshine today
Posted by
10:42 PM
Labels: community, moose deer
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Moose Deer '08 | Day THREE Report
Written by team member Jordan Turner today:
Day 3: Off to another early start, which everyone seems to be getting used to. It was an amazing breakfast to start the day – pancakes and sausages!!! When it seemed like we were going to be late for camp, our drivers got everyone into the cars and off to camp with plenty of time to set up and get the kids.
The kids were starting to show their true colors today by bonding with their leaders and also by showing how much of a handful they can be. After a great wide game (“Capture the Baby Moses” – a twist on Capture the Flag!), the kids enjoyed making “burning bush” pin wheels and played “stones” in sports, with some of the kids playing another Bump marathon.
With the weather being overcast and cool today it made swimming with kids hard so, while some of us braved the water, others used the time to talk with them. After dinner, a few of us went to the local church meeting, where we met some of people that go to the church and Bill Halll got to talk about Jonah. The rest of the group had a fishing marathon, and then we all finished the evening with discussion and games.
All and all an amazing day.
Please pray …
- For our baseball game in the community tomorrow (Thursday) night – please pray
that some of the older members of the community would join us for this event
- For the community as a whole
- For the church congregation on the reserve … they have a faithful group of about 7 people!
- For energy and health for our team members
- That we would give all of ourselves to these kids for the remainder of the week – that we would be wholehearted and gentle with them
- That there would be less distinction between people living on the two sides of the reserve … that the kids would be able to enjoy and value each other
- That we would love these kids as God loves them
We praise God for …
- The unity we have experienced as a team
- The fact that one of the older boys we mentioned yesterday did come to camp for the first time today and was fairly well behaved
Posted by
11:06 PM
Labels: community, moose deer
Moose Deer Point, Day 2 | More Bugs… but a Blessed day for sure!!!
PICTURES HERE. Day 2: It was another early start, up for breakfast at 6:45 – Camp kicked off at 9:30 with the addition of a few new young faces. Despite forecasted showers, it was a day of sunshine. God has definitely been in control of the weather this week. PTL!
We had several exciting events that the kids really enjoyed today; a giant 4 way Tug of War contest, a razzing display of water balloon toss, and an exciting, hour long, “Bump” marathon at the basketball court. We also performed our 2nd skit, sang songs with the kids, and had an enthralling bible teaching on the topic of giving your burdens to Jesus.
More relationships were built today, as the counselors got to know the kids better and the kids warmed up to the councilors. We praise the Lord for every opportunity to build into these kids,
On the negative side, Becki Lee unfortunately had to leave the group tonight (don’t worry, it was planned)! She is heading off to Edmonton where she is starting the next portion of her journey with Athletes in Action at U of A. Her enthusiasm and skill with the camp kids will be greatly missed, as well as her spiritual leadership and, of course, her laughter. Sadie, one of the 8 year olds at the camp, gave Becki a present today because she knew it was her last day. (awwwwww) We all, and Becki, thought that was pretty awesome.
Prayer Requests:
- Kids behavior tomorrow, as a few of the more difficult older boys are expected to attend tomorrow that didn’t today.
- Becki as she transitions: Prayer for comfort as she misses our group and the camp, the smooth transition to her new life out West, and protection from any spiritual attacks after a very spiritually moving few days.
- Continued protection from spiritual attack
- Get rid of those bugs!
- Kids behavior today
- Beautiful weather
- Kids have been very attentive and focused during the bible teachings so far, a big surprise for sure!
Posted by
5:37 AM
Labels: community, moose deer
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Moose Deer Point, Day 1 | Rain … sun … BUGS!!!
Day one of Moose Deer day camp began with torrential downpours as we drove to the reserve. However, as Bill is so fond of saying, “The Lord doth” … by the time our “opening exercises” ended, the skies had cleared. Approximately 35 kids enjoyed the first of the skits we had prepared to tell the story of Moses … or “Mo”, the rabbit, in our adapted version. Although the skits were humorous, only later did we discover the real reason for their laughter … “Mo” actually means “poo” in Ojibway! Whoops.
After the Bible teaching, groups rotated through snacks, games and puzzles, t-shirt designing, and outdoor sports. The sun brought with it swarms of bugs, but the kids eagerly participated and we did our best to tolerate the bites! We ended the morning with a hot dog lunch, then spent the afternoon swimming with the kids.
Back at “home”, we shared a tasty dinner, debriefed our day, and participated in a devotion that encouraged us to reflect on the unique gifts we each have to offer the kids and our team.
All in all, it was a great start to the week! We look forward to seeing what God is going to do at Moose Deer Point this week and are so appreciative of your support.
Please join us in praying …
-for Divine energy … our days are long and very full!
-for one of our campers who has shared that she is tormented by visions of dead people and speaks to animals by way of gifts that “Creator”, their native god, has given her. She has struggled with this her whole life and longs to experience her childhood in peace.
and in offering praise for …
-the torrential rains stopping in time for us to run our outdoor programs.
-the positive changes we have seen in many of the kids we have prayed for since last year.
-the provision of beautiful accommodations where we can rest and prepare for our next day.
Thank you! We are so encouraged to know that our church family is praying for us while we’re here.
Posted by
5:53 AM
Labels: community, moose deer
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Resources for the Month | July 2008
Here are some resources for spending time in the Scriptures, in song and in prayer. As more of us do this together, we are excited to see how God shapes us.
Once-A-Day Approach - this is for those who desire reading, prayer and a song once during the day.
Divine Offices/Hours - the offices are done 8 times through the day, with a short reading and something/one to pray for.
The Divine Offices Calendar is an easy way to do the offices online. There seems to be a bug with the calendar at the moment, but keep checking.
Posted by
1:41 PM
Labels: divine offices, once-a-day, week