Tuesday, September 11, 2007

COMMUNITY LIFE & PRAYER | September 11 Week

Let's pray the prayer of John Wesley throughout this week, for us where we are, and for TILT as a community and the Church throughout Toronto and Canada:

Let the inspiration of the Holy Spirit prepare and assist me in all the duties of this, Your sacred day. That my wandering thoughts may all be fixed on You, my devotion centered upon You, and my apathy quickened into longing for and thirsting after You.

Let me join in the prayers and praises of Your Church with committed and holy passion. Let me hear Your Word with listening ears and a determination to obey it. And when I approach Your altar, the tree upon which Jesus died, pour into my heart humility, faith, hope, love and a holy character which reflects the crucified Saviour.

Let me make use of this entire day to the ends for which it was intended, doing what must be done but also living out mercy, in prayer, praise and meditation; and let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart be always pleasing in Your sight.

The prayer map, as always, is a great way to pray for one another.

Click on COMMENTS below to post a prayer request.

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